En este blog compartiremos nuestras publicaciones sobre la seguridad, su prevención vía la ergonomía desde una perspectiva preventiva y sistémica del hombre en situación de trabajo, tema que abordamos tanto en la industria aeronáutica como en otros sistemas críticos desde el plano de la seguridad como el transporte ferroviario, los eventos y shows con publico, la medicina, etc. Los invitamos a comentarlas y a hacernos las preguntas que deseen.


Ergonomic Challenges in the design and management of anaesthesiology devices in Argentina

Authors: Aslanides,M. & Gallino, E.
1st HEPS International Conference, Strasbourg(*) 2008
Devices and organizations are designed and regulated in a way that can generate errors that can be related to a certain underestimation of the anaesthesiologist environment's variability and of the patient's states evolution (De Keyser & Nyssen, 1997). Their evolution is also linked to the degree of normalization of deviance (Vaughan, 1996) and to the social control of these migrations. Our concern is to know how these organizational and systemic-related unsafe acts emerge in Argentina’s hospitals, in order to determine what the main ergonomic challenges in the design of devices and work organization are for patient safety and anaesthesiologist’s work improvement in that specific context. (...)
(*) We are very grateful to Dina Notte, who kindly presented our work on behalf our team.

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